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Saturday 07.17.10

Today I was going to stay home and mope around in my underwear, but then I was invited to go to the river with everyone, and the idea of cool water was too good to pass up. So I went. We drove for an hour, a bunch of us crammed in each car, which was fine until we turned into the woods. Okay, so there aren't really roads to this river, you just kind of drive through the woods. Luckily, this area consists of planted trees, so the distance between trees is uniform, it's actually quite strange. So, we finally arrived and made camp.

Sam made mexican food, which was amazing. It was the first time I had beans in like weeks and it was great. I can't wait to get a Chipotle burrito.

Then we went into the water. It was pretty unusual because it was so shallow and the forest was located so much higher, but it was perfect for playing games and apparently canoeing through.

Here, Vlad is running away with the "football" in an intense game of tackle football. Look at his perfect form!

And naturally when we see water, we think chicken. So we played a couple rounds of chicken. Daniel and I teamed up and called ourselves team danielli (which is basically the plural form of Daniel in Russian). We won one glorious round.

Team Abby and Daniel vs. Sam and Michal

Team Abby and Daniel vs. Sergay and Colya

Then, as I was napping, everyone played a serious game of Red Rover, Red Rover.

Michal and Daniel holding hands. I swear every Russian, or in this case Polish boy, is in love with Daniel. It's cute.

And here's Abra attempting to break through... quite unsuccessfully.

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