Some graffiti- "No one like us and we don't care"
A beautiful building covered in ivy.
As a small group of us were standing around chit-chatting in English, one sixty year old russian man stopped us to tell (in Russian) how he was born in the house we were standing in front of. Then we walked around the house and found this cute one tucked away in the greenery.
And now for some American influences!!!
This is a new cafe that just opened called Bar(ak) O'mama and the colors are red, white, and blue and there is an obvious American flag in the background. Despite the name, Barak Obama is not the face of this cafe, instead Monique is. Hahaha.
Obviously, this is Abe Lincoln and the text says "Open your eyes! Clean your ears! We have better concrete!" I'm not sure if this concrete company is trying to compete with the marble greatness that sits Abe, but good try.
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