I wish I could have gotten better photos on the inside, but I didn't pay for a blessing that will allow me not to burn in hell for taking said desired photos, so I had to try to secretly snap photos. I was unsuccessful. But this place was tall and beautifully decorated and painted from head to toe.
I did get a blurry photo of my friend, Sam, dressed in church gear (which means her head's covered, shoulders are covered, knees are covered). Oh and she loves to play the penis game in churches, which is always a bad idea.
Then we walked to another church place. Apparently, most church services are like three hours long and extremely boring.
Our polish friend, Michal, found a street called the Red Square. Funny.
And this is Daniel, probably lecturing about History. He basically knows everything.
Then we walked to another church. This one I made a donation, so I got to take photos.
My friend Abby is in the background.
Then we went to this art museum, it was endearing, since the pieces weren't all that special or great, but it did have a photo exhibit of a photojournalist's work between the 60s and 70s. It was really cute.
Three adorable girls playing on a stage in the main square.
Then we climbed up this fire tower and took a look over the city. Apparently, before technology, firefighters would stand up there, keeping an eye out for smoke. If they spotted some, they would send out firefighters to the site to fight the fire. Oh, and here is another photo of the main church taken from the tower.
On this trip, like usual, we are accompanied by a bunch of random people who want to practice their English and what not. This trip, we met a really eccentric man who brought a lot of instruments. Well, as we were waiting around, we naturally started jamming in the park. This is my friend Abby, playing one of the tamer instruments.
yeah right, bitch. it takes two to play the penis game...